

What type of textALERTs should I send my customers?

Merchants who enjoy the most success on this platform almost always send textALERTs consistently to their customers. At this point, you may not have many subscribers, but hopefully, you will soon, and starting early communications is so important to your success. So which textALERTs work best? The only way to know which messages work best is to have a tracking mechanism, which our program provides.  There are really only two types of messages,  textALERT Offers and textALERT Non-Offer Communication.  There are ways to track both. textALERT Offers
When you log in to create a textALERT you will be asked if you want an offer that can be redeemed. If you choose “Yes,” every subscriber receiving the message will have the offer waiting to be redeemed either on the Mobile Web App or at the In-store Kiosk, if you have the kiosk upgrade. When creating your offer, you want it to be profitable for your business, but you also want it to seem very valuable to your customer. Successful textALERT Offers  Create a sense of urgency.  We recommend not having the offer good for more than 2-3 days.  The best results occur when you have the offer good for only 1 day.
  • A dollar amount off when they spend a specified amount.  We suggest increasing this above your average ticket.  For instance, if your average ticket is $5, then create an offer that is $3 off $10 or $5 off $15.
  • FREE item with Purchase.  Everyone loves FREE and if you look closely at your product margins you can create a very profitable deal that is a win-win for you and your customer.
  • BOGO offers can be great as well.  Buy one, get one half off gets 2 bodies in your business which increases average ticket revenue.
People can more easily visualize the dollar amount off, for example, a $5 bill or a FREE Monster Energy Drink with Purchase. textALERT Non-Offer Communication You may just want to communicate a big storewide sale, event, or try to increase your social media following.  While we will not be able to track specific revenue on these messages, we can track the click-through rate by using a miniature URL service such as bit.ly. When sending textALERTs without offers, make sure the message is fun, includes valuable information, and when you can, include a link to help you track it.  If you start seeing high opt-out rates, you’ll know that these messages are not as valuable to your customer and you will want to quickly adjust your strategy.  Of course, you can call one of our digital rewards specialists at 615-255-3199 to help you come up with ideas and adjust your strategy. Below is a couple of recent textALERT successes. Recent textALERT Success

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