Is it Time to Reopen your Business?
The CDC has posted a new Workplace Decision Tool that we wanted to share to help you in your decision to reopen your business if you have not done so yet.
This tool asks several questions and if you can say yes to all of them, you are ready to open up.
Should You Consider Reopening?
- Will reopening be consistent with applicable state and local orders?
- Are you ready to protect employees at higher risk for severe illness?

If you answered yes to both of them, continue to the next section below.
Are recommended health and safety actions in place?
- Promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing and employees wearing a cloth face covering, as feasible
- Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation
- Encourage social distancing and enhance spacing between employees, including through physical barriers, changing the layout of workspaces, encouraging telework, closing or limiting access to communal spaces, staggering shifts and breaks, and limiting large events, when and where feasible
- Consider modifying travel and commuting practices. Promote telework for employees who do not live in the local area, if feasible
- Train all employees on health and safety protocols

If you can meet all these safeguards, continue to the next section below.
Is ongoing monitoring in place?
- Develop and implement procedures to check for signs and symptoms of employees daily upon arrival, as feasible
- Encourage anyone who is sick to stay home
- Plan for if an employee gets sick
- Regularly communicate and monitor developments with local authorities and employees
- Monitor employee absences and have flexible leave policies and practices
- Be ready to consult with the local health authorities if there are cases in the facility or an increase in cases in the local area

If you can meet all these safeguards also, you are ready to open!!
We stand with you, want to help in any way we can & hope you open soon.