SMS messaging – Retail store gets 4,790 subscribers in first month!
Gimme a $5 has created quite a buzz in November in Middle TN. Their two locations have often been seen with lines around their buildings and people camping out overnight in order to get the best deals. They have signed up over 4,790 consumers into their SMS messaging program to receive textALERTs in their first month using the *TL Connects customer engagement platform. They have two locations and a very unique method of retail. They already have a long, growing list of SMS messaging subscribers after only in business for a little over a month.
First, let me give you some background on this unique business. Gimme a $5 gets a new truckload of quality merchandise every week. Then, they separate consumer goods into large bins at their locations. They take out only the items that may be dangerous or hazardous. Everything else is unsorted so a person never knows what they will find as they search the bins. Furthermore, whatever they find is only $5. In the first month, customers have found all sorts of items in the bins such as $1,000 drones, Xbox Ones, Fitbit Surges, iPads, laptop computers and much more for $5 at the most. It has indeed created quite a buzz as getting brand new iPads for $5 will sometimes do. Then, whatever doesn’t sell the first day will be marked down to $3 on the second day and eventually down to $.50 an item to close out the week. This sort of announcement based business really needed a great method of engaging customers quickly with a high-open rate. SMS messaging is perfect for them. With SMS marketing, the open rates are extremely high and people read the messages within 90 seconds compared to 90 minutes with an email. Their customers are also very eager to sign-up to get the announcements because the sooner they get in line, the better items they can get. They now have started selling tickets to control the long lines that were forming the night before new shipments come in.
So how did they get that many sign-ups so quickly? They did it by actively promoting their sms messaging program, using both the kiosk and keyword marketing for subscribers to opt-in. They have promoted the keyword online using their website, social media, and email. For instance, if you text “gimmea5” to 91681, you are signed up for their textALERTS. So far they have over 900 sign-ups via the text message sign-up kiosk in their locations. Keyword marketing has been responsible for the other sign-ups as they promote it diligently. They are very active also in sending textALERTs to their subscribers to keep them up to date with the latest shipment information and announcements. Sms messaging provides a great way for their subscribers to be constantly alerted of new shipments coming in and special items that may be available.
Gimme a $5 only uses the sign-up & keyword portions of the TL Connects engagement platform and not the rewards program software.